Student Wellbeing
St Jude's Parish Primary School
The wellbeing of students, staff and families is paramount to everything we do at St Jude's. At St Jude's, Gospel Values are embedded in everything we do in wellbeing and are shown through trust, honesty and compassion for each and every person. We value the uniqueness, potential and diversity of all members in our community. We ensure a fair go for all through wellbeing processes such as Parent Support Group meetings, Personalised Learning Plans and our Social & Emotional Learning Programs.
Our Behavioural Management Policy enables students, teachers and parents to be empowered to make responsible decisions. These decisions continue to support and develop safe, consistent and secure learning for all, where we strive to do our best.
Programs implemented to support Social & Emotional Learning include:
Circle Time
Pastoral Care - Seasons for Grief and Loss
Buddy Programs
Alternative lunchtime activities
Student Leadership Programs
Rock & Water
All staff are committed to the wellbeing of all students in their care, there is also a dedicated Wellbeing Team.

Meet the Student Wellbeing Team & the Child Safety Team

Milan Greco
Student Wellbeing Leader

Dimity Hemingway
Learning Diversity & HUB Teacher

Andrea Wanke
Support Officer

Donna Rowland ESO & Learning Diversity Coordinator

Darren Perry
Deputy Principal
Leader of Teaching & Learning

Marita O'Sullivan

The Pod
Developing Life Long Skills of Risk Taking & Problem Solving
The POD is filled with clean industrial scrap including barrels, tyres, canvas, foam and much more. Each lunchtime the POD is opened and the children’s imaginations run wild where they play cooperatively and practise and develop life-long skills including risk taking, persistence, resilience, problem solving and the importance of give and take of play.

Lunchtime Activities
Play is an Essential Part of Child Development
Play is considered an essential part of each child’s learning at St. Jude’s there is always something extra on offer. Each lunch break one of our experienced Education Support Officers becomes a play coach where play activities are set up and facilitated for anyone to enjoy. Activities include dress ups, bubbles, blocks, skipping, karaoke and the list goes on.
The St. Jude’s play POD
The POD is filled with clean industrial scrap including barrels, tyres, canvas, foam and much more. Each lunchtime the POD is opened and the children’s imaginations run wild where they play cooperatively and practice and develop life-long skills including risk taking, persistence, resilience, problem solving and the important give and take of play.
Pop Up Play is a hugely successful initiative which takes place every day during lunch breaks. An Education Support Officer acts as a play coach for children who require the extra support of planned play activities. Pop Up Play takes place under the pergola with various activities and games on offer which encourage imaginative and co-operative play. Play opportunities include dress ups, blocks, bubbles & karaoke to name a few.
Knitting Club
Every Monday our knitting club is held, you do not have to venture far into our school to see the amazing projects completed by our keen and creative knitters.
Drama Club
Students have the opportunity to join our drama club, where they get to perform and practice the art of acting.
Student Run Clubs
At St. Jude’s the students voice is strong and it is the most valued voice heard at the school. Students have the opportunity to share their talents with one another, this will often be through organising and running activities for other students to enjoy. These activities include sporting clinics, competitions, art and craft or music and drama performances. All activities are supervised by staff.

Buddy Systems
Someone to Look After and Out For
At St. Jude’s our buddy program is a strong initiative which helps build our community and enables opportunity for cross year level connection. Each Prep student has a buddy and once they progress to Year One the buddy program continues with each class having a buddy class. Each week time is allocated for whole school ‘buddy time’ where students will work together to connect with one another through learning and play.