St Jude's Parish Primary School
Prep Enrolments
Prep enrolments at St. Jude’s Primary School will be accepted in the year prior to commencement. We endeavour to have enrolments finalised by mid-year however when there are vacancies all enrolments will be considered. School tours are run by the Principal throughout first semester or at other times by appointment.
Once an application is lodged an interview will be organised with the Principal and Deputy Principal to meet parent’s and the prospective student to learn about their needs and to share information about school at St. Jude’s. Children must turn 5 years of age before the 30th of April in the year they are commencing school.
A Prep School Readiness program is held early in Term 4. This includes 4 optional sessions where children get a taste of what school looks feels and sounds like. Later in the term an orientation program is run with the Prep teachers where children are placed in their class. A parent information session is also held mid Term 4.
Places at St. Jude’s are offered in accordance with the school’s Enrolment Policy.
New Enrolments at Other Year Levels
Families are welcome to make an appointment to tour the school and meet with the Principal. Parents of new applicants are required to complete the Enrolment Application Form and attend an interview.
Lodging an application
To make an application, collect an enrolment form from the school office during normal business hours or alternatively download and complete the application for enrolment form and return it to St Jude's school.
For any family that would like to submit an enrolment the following documents are required:
Enrolment Form (to be completed and signed)
Consent to transfer information form (to be signed)
Student's Birth Certificate
Student's Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
Student's Immunisation Certificate

School Readiness & Prep
Becoming Confident & Comfortable with Our School
St Jude’s School Readiness Program consists of four sessions held at the beginning of Term 4. The program is specifically designed to assist children in becoming comfortable with our school and getting to know what school is all about.
The program encourages children and parents to develop familiarity with the school environment and is run by an experienced teacher. It enables children to practice basic school routines and develop an understanding of school expectations.
Orientation sessions are also held at the end of Term 4. These consist of four sessions held over four consecutive weeks.
Enrolments are open for all year levels depending on availability.

Why St Jude's
Committed Together in Partnership
St. Jude’s is a small Catholic school where every child is known by not only name but for the individual that they are. The school leadership are focused on leading a school community that is inclusive, compassionate, safe, engaging and has created an environment where every single person matters. The staff are passionate and committed to meeting students at their point of need spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally. Many prospective parents have made the comment that they were not aware of the facilities and vast property that the school sits on before going beyond our gates. If you are interested in finding out more please book a tour, you will not be disappointed.

Before & After School Care
Care For Your Family
The Langwarrin Community Centre operate before and after school care on their premises located at
2 Lang Rd, Langwarrin which is a two minute walk from the school. Students are under the
supervision of Community Centre staff and are walked to and from school each day.
Arrangements for care are to be made directly with the Community Centre (Phone: 9789 7653).
6:45am - 9:00am
3:00pm - 6:30pm

Get Involved
Be Part of the School Action
We invite our community to get involved with the activities at St Jude's Primary School. Come along and be a part of:
Mother’s Day stall
Father's Day Breakfast
Uniform Shop
Guest Speakers
Reading/Classroom Helpers
Parent Nights
Social Events for Parents
Movie & Disco Night
Interschool Sport
Twilight Sports
Sacramental Workshop Nights
Social Justice Days
St Jude's Feast Days
Footy Day

Our Space
So Many Places to Be a Kid